La Riviera du Grand Ouest

Being written

Satirical and fantastic comedy – 6 x 30 min – Feature film project selected by the house of screenwriters (Cannes 2015).

Following yet another financial crash caused by some major misbehavior, an eager young trader takes refuge in his small native village: the unfortunately named but quite picturesque Bouzec! There he finds his childhood sweetheart, a beautiful awkward anarchist. Suddenly his trader’s brain triggers a brilliant idea: to bail out the green economy markets with the help of the preserved ecosystem of Bouzec, a true nature reserve.

But according to a persistent old Bouzécoise legend, whoever attacks the Swamp meets his fate!

And some, it is certain, would have often seen an Ankou (the figure of death in lower Brittany) beheading one by one the dwarf palm trees of the eco-mayor, the sympathetic Bernard Chabolo …

An Ankou ar gwernioù, ar paludoù an ankou !